Getting Started with FireEyes

The Technology Services performs weekly accessibility scans of Key Public Entry Points (KPEPs) using a tool called WorldSpace Sync. While weekly WorldSpace Sync scans are limited to KPEPs, any webpage can be evaluated using the FireEyes extension. FireEyes is a part of the WorldSpace suite and has functionality that works hand-in-hand with WorldSpace Sync.

A WorldSpace account is required

To use FireEyes, you must have a WorldSpace account. If you do not already have an account, please create a WorldSpace account before proceeding.

Installing the FireEyes extension

screen capture showing location of link to download FireEyes
  1. Download and install Firefox.
  2. Download and install Firebug.
  3. Using Firefox, visit
  4. Log in with your NetID and password.
  5. Activate the Home link in the navigation bar at the beginning of the page.
  6. Activate the Download FireEyes link in the Quick Links list.
  7. Follow the installation prompts, and restart Firefox once installation is complete.

Connecting to the WorldSpace server

screen capture showing how to activate FireEyes
  1. Launch Firebug by activating the Firebug icon in the Firefox toolbar or by pressing the F12 key.
  2. Firebug will open in the bottom portion of the browser window. Activate the FireEyes tab.
  3. Activate the Settings tab in FireEyes.
  4. Enter the following credentials for TAMU’s WorldSpace Sync server:
    1. Server URL:
    2. E-mail address: [your NetID; do not include “”]
    3. Password: [your NetID password]
  5. Activate the Update & Login button

Choosing a project/scanning standard

screen capture showing how to choose a project
  1. Activate the Switch button.
  2. Review the choices in the project drop down. Depending on your role, several options may be present.
    1. KPEP webmasters – the drop down will show any projects associated with your KPEP websites.
    2. All (including KPEP webmasters) – the drop down will show two projects that represent specific scanning standards: FireEyes – WCAG 2.0 AA and FireEyes – TAMU Custom.
  3. Choose a project based on the type of scan you wish to complete.
    1. I want to scan for any possible accessibility issues. Choose FireEyes – WCAG 2.0 AA.
      FireEyes will check for as many accessibility issues as it can, using the WCAG 2.0 AA standard. This will include scanning results that require manual verification to determine whether an accessibility violation exists.
    2. I want to exclude any possible “false positives." Choose FireEyes – TAMU Custom. 
      This will only provide scanning results that can be machine tested. That is, the results will be confirmed violations, with no manual verification required to determine if a violation exists. Note: this is the scanning standard used for the KPEP scanning reports, to ensure that our report data excludes any possible “false positives.”
    3. I’m a KPEP webmaster. I want FireEyes to detect the same issues shown in my WorldSpace Sync report. Choose the project associated with your KPEP website.
      By choosing the project associated with your KPEP website, FireEyes will use the same scanning standard WorldSpace Sync uses when performing weekly scans of your KPEP website.
  4. Activate the Switch to project button.

Basic testing

screen capture showing setting up a basic test
  1. Navigate to the page you want to analyze.
  2. Activate the Current Document tab.
  3. Activate the Now button.
    1. When analysis is complete, FireEyes will bring up a modal dialog to report how many issues were detected.
  4. Navigate to each page you want to analyze and repeat step 3.
  5. When an analysis is complete, issues are displayed under the Current Document tab.
  6. The complete list of issues for each page analyzed is displayed under the Report tab in an expandable menu format.

Reviewing issues

screen capture showing reviewing issues

Each issue will be presented in a row with Type, Description, Tag, Frame, and Source information organized into several columns. Several Actions will also be available at the end of each row.

  1. Activate an issue’s Description link to see more information in a modal dialog.
  2. Activate the Inspect button to highlight the source code for the issue in Firebug’s code inspector.
  3. Activate the Highlight button to see the issue highlighted in the browser window.

Additional help and resources

The FireEyes product documentation provides more information:

If you have any questions or experience problems, please contact the IT Accessibility Team.

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