Inaccessible Content

computer screenInaccessible Content

[Double headings sometimes result when content providers add a page title within the page editor. Most Content Management Systems include page titles as part of their functionality, so there is no need to add one within the page editor.]

[Image is not the proper size; images should be a similar size to that of the resulting webpage content. File sizes too large will cause issues with page loading, and file sizes too small will result in blurry or poor quality representation on the resulting webpage. Photo editing software may be used to decrease a file to the appropriate size if the image is high resolution, however software cannot enlarge images effectively, without causing pixelation and/or distortion.]

[Padding is needed around the image so text is easier to read.]

Information exchange has changed considerably in recent decades. Instead of mechanical means of information distribution, Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) have opened up a whole new world for all of us and allow access to information through numerous channels. Websites are a way to compile, categorize and distribute information. When developing sites, web accessibility is important.

Simply put, web accessibility means providing everyone equal access to online resources including webpages, associated documents and multimedia.

[Heading tag is used for formatting purposes; headings should only be used for logically separating content within a webpage.]

An accessible website can pay big dividends by reaching more people who may want to attend Texas A&M, utilize our valuable resources or take part in the myriad of events available within our campus community.

Why is web accessibility important?

[Heading is used out of sequence; the previous heading level was an H5, whereas this heading level is an H2.]

An accessible Web provides equal access and equal opportunity for everyone.

[Color is used alone to convey meaning or importance; color should be used in conjunction with other style elements like bold, underline or italic in order to indicate emphasis for those with colorblindness. Color and special formatting should be used sparingly; a better option would be to include "Important:" in special formatting.]

-Making your site more accessible can increase traffic on your site, improve your site's usability, and raise your search rankings.

-There are federal and state regulations which require public universities to have accessible websites.

[Bulleted list needed; items in a list should be formatted as a bulleted list so users know that the items are related.]

Want to learn more? Click here for more information.

[Link text should be descriptive and relevant to the link destination; avoid using "click here" or "read more".]

What do you need to know?

[Heading tag is needed; in this instance, bold formatting is used instead of a heading tag. Heading tags allow everyone, including those with disabilities to "scan" page content.]

  1. Creating accessible web content
  2. Utilizing universal design principles
  3. Developing websites with accessibility and inclusion in mind

[Bulleted list is needed; numbered list is used only when priority or steps are involved.]

Did you know?