Procuring Accessible EIR

IT accessibility is the set of strategies, guidelines, and resources that make EIR accessible to people with disabilities. It involves developing policies and implementing processes to ensure that everyone has equal access to information. The spectrum of disabilities include those affecting vision, hearing, motor and cognitive skills.

Ensuring the procurement of accessible Electronic and Information Resources (EIR) is the first step to enabling everyone—including those with disabilities—to perceive, understand, navigate and interact with technology.

Accessibility first | Procurement tips | VPAT/vendor resources | Exception requests | FAQ

EIR developed, procured or significantly changed by institutions of higher learning in the state of Texas must comply with accessibility standards and specifications within 1 TAC §206 and 1 TAC §213. These standards, along with federal standards defined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act as amended by the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 serve as guideposts for diversity and inclusion at Texas A&M University.

These standards apply to EIR developed, procured, maintained or used by TAMU directly, or by a third party, acting as an agent of, or on behalf of, the university, or through procured services (vendor) contracts; and, EIR services provided through hosted or managed services contracts.

According to the proposed TAMU rule which supports state and federal laws, EIR include, but are not limited to:

  • Software applications and operating systems
  • Websites, including both Internet and intranet
  • Telecommunications products
  • Video and multimedia products
  • Self-contained, closed products, such as copiers, printers and fax machines
  • Desktop and portable computers

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