Accessibility Begins With You

As part of our university’s commitment to ensuring everyone has access to information resources developed, maintained, distributed and procured by our institution, accessibility should be a concern for all of us, regardless of our roles on campus.

Be an Accessibility Innovator

Each of us has a responsibility to ensure the design, development, distribution and procurement of Electronic and Information Resources at Texas A&M. Being an Accessibility Innovator enables you to go one step further by actively influencing others around you, promoting a campus culture that values the unique characteristics and capabilities of others.

As an Accessibility Innovator you should pledge to:

  • Be respectful and helpful to everyone
  • Be understanding of each individual's capabilities
  • Utilize accessibility best practices in instructional and business endeavors
  • Provide referrals to accessibility programs and services as needed
  • Actively seek assistance and accessibility training as needed

Contact the Technology Services accessibility team to see how you can help promote accessibility at your campus location.

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