Affecting Business Processes

Incorporating accessibility into employee hiring and review processes

  • Recruit and hire staff with an understanding of accessibility policy and practices.
  • Include accessibility preferences and requirements within job postings and position descriptions, and clearly indicate how such criteria specifically apply to typical job duties.
  • Develop accessibility training schedules and/or continuing education expectations for each position.
  • Utilize accessibility as one parameter by which to measure job performance during annual reviews.

Establishing the value of accessibility within your team

  • Make accessibility a priority—from document creation to design and development.
  • Consider accessibility during project initiation and utilize periodic accessibility checks throughout the duration of a project.
  • Design and develop with the uniqueness of people in mind.
  • Discuss accessibility best practices as they apply to team tasks.
  • Encourage procurement of Electronic and Information Resources.
  • Recognize individual and team efforts that advance Texas A&M’s accessibility initiatives.

Advocate for accessibility on campus

  • Take interest in individuals’ capabilities and contributions.
  • Promote accessibility as an extension of our University
  • Encourage campus stakeholders to expand the reach of Texas A&M University by considering the needs of all audiences
  • Engage others in accessibility discussions and advocate for accessibility at every opportunity.
  • Work to decrease University risk by doing the right thing—it’s a win-win!

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